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  • 1.  Hawaii Coastal Shoreline Erosion

    Posted Oct 17, 2024 12:46 PM
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    Aloha All,

    The Hawaii State House of Representatives is asking me to present a
    briefing of how other states handle shoreline erosion.... Hawaii has an
    official position of retreat, no mitigation allowed - and there are no
    bioengineering techniques employed, just rip rap and sand bags which
    don't stop shoreline erosion. For a client I had present a
    bioengineering techniques I have done on several projects such as
    Disney, Verizon, Cape Cod National seashore and more. Hawaii doesn't
    believe in bioengineering.... attached is a sample bioengineering sample design I use...

    Can any members reach out to me with some of their successful work so I
    can put together a brief to present to the state reps who are
    considering lifting the retreat mandate which is not possible for some
    homes on the shoreline on small lots. Groins and riprap just pass the
    problem down the shoreline and house after house is falling into the
    ocean.... - so whoever minds giving examples of their mitigations techniques I can
    present them to the full legislature. DPP and OCCL of DLNR official
    position is just let them fall into the ocean...

    If you would like, Rep Quinlan has set it up so you can present your sample work remotely via PowerPoint.... please let me know who can help out...

    Mark Howland
    WHALE Environmental Services LLC
    Haleiwa HI
    (808) 294-9254


  • 2.  RE: Hawaii Coastal Shoreline Erosion

    Posted Oct 21, 2024 06:18 PM
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    Sample PowerPoint attached

    Aloha - I need help!  Presentation to state legislature is Nov 12th, can anyone send me some examples of shoreline protection.



    Mark Howland
    WHALE Environmental Services LLC
    Haleiwa HI
    (808) 294-9254
