About Us


IECA advances the standards of practice and connect the erosion control and stormwater management community.


The global alliance enhancing soil and water resources.


  • Position members for success through leadership development.
  • Enhance members' professional knowledge at each career stage through technical information exchange, facilitation of research opportunities and encouraging diversity in professional development.
  • Promote the work of IECA members and recognize their contributions to society.
  • Manage the Association with a solid foundation of resources that sustains our mission.
  • Represent the interests of members to local, regional and national government leaders.

Supporting Documents and Information

Membership Provides Benefits You Won't Find Anywhere Else

"I don’t think you can afford to be in the erosion control business and not be a member of IECA," says Dave Snyder, CPESC, marketing manager for Webtec, Inc. IECA is a growing organization that connects, educates and develops the worldwide erosion and sediment control community.

IECA provides a wide range of services to its members. They include educational activities, like conferences, workshops and field days plus, depending on type of membership, a variety of other benefits, such as News to Use, IECA’s quarterly newsletter; the digital Membership Directory and a subscription to Erosion Control Journal, IECA’s official magazine.

At the same time, IECA offers intangible benefits that are truly unique and valuable. These benefits stem from the act of associating with other erosion control professionals.

“Membership is the glue that binds IECA and the erosion control industry together,” says Meg Tully, former IECA’s Environmental Connection Magazine editor. “IECA provides the opportunity for individual members to be part of something much larger than themselves, to connect with one another in forming a worldwide community of like-minded people dedicated to minimizing accelerated erosion of soil caused by wind or water.”

Robert Connelly, CPESC, and long-time IECA member and past president of IECA’s Mid-Atlantic (U.S.) Chapter, says: “IECA members speak my language,” he says. “How many people can you talk to at a party about the latest in geosynthetics, hydroseeding equipment, biotechnical slope stabilization or any of a number of other aspects of erosion and sediment control. Membership in IECA allows you to talk about state-of-art erosion control concepts and techniques with people who share your interests.”

While you can’t put a price on such an intangible benefit, it’s a very real and vital one – one you’ll enjoy only as an IECA member.