Live Webinars

Constructing on Impervious Surfaces-BMPs for Runoff Quality and Quantity

December 29, 2022

Time:   12:10pm to 12:40pm

Description: Construction on impervious surfaces can create challenges to managing water quality and site discharges. There are BMPs, many not listed in stormwater manuals, as well as means and methods that contractors can use to ensure they don't discharge non-compliant stormwater. This webinar, using case studies, will provide options to the contractor, inspector and designer.

Speaker: Dave Jenkins, CPESC - PNW Chapter President
Webinar Details:

Dave Jenkins is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Constructing on Impervious Surfaces-Practices for Managing Runoff Quality and Quantity
Time: Dec 29, 2022 12:10 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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