Chapter Newsletters

Newsletter - Summer 2023



Dear Western Chapter Members,
With the atmospheric river events earlier this year, Western Chapter members were off to a busy start of the year, and it sounds like it will continue with the development of an El Nino weather pattern. Along with our erosion and sediment control activities, the Chapter’s Educational Events Subcommittee has also been busy planning two upcoming educational events. The two events are aimed at providing valuable knowledge and training opportunities for erosion and sediment control.

The first event, the two-part webinar series on the California 200 Construction General Permit (CGP), is scheduled for August. This series will focus on the responsibilities of a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) and Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) under the 2022 CGP, which becomes effective on September 1st of this year. The webinars will likely cover key aspects of the new CGP, compliance requirements, best practices, and any updates compared to the previous permit.

The second event is an erosion and sediment control workshop that will take place in November. This workshop will provide a comprehensive learning experience, combining classroom-style sessions with a live field demonstration. The Chapter has partnered with the City of La Quinta to organize this event in the Coachella Valley, where dust control and wind erosion are significant concerns. By conducting the workshop in November, when temperatures are mild, participants will have a comfortable environment to engage in hands-on learning and observe effective erosion and sediment control techniques in action.

These educational events reflect the Chapter's commitment to addressing the region's erosion and sediment control challenges, providing necessary training, and fostering collaboration with local stakeholders. It's an excellent opportunity for professionals and practitioners to stay updated on this field's latest regulations, techniques, and strategies.

Melanie Sotelo MSE, CPESC, CPSWQ WCIECA President CASC Engineering & Consulting

Finally, a reminder that it’s time to elect several Directors for the Chapter’s Board. If you are a chapter member, you can vote and should have received an email titled “Vote Now: WCIECA – 2023 Board of Directors Election.” All voting is due by July 7, 2023.

Take care,

Melanie Sotelo – President

Read the complete newsletter here.


