Who We Are...
The Great Rivers Chapter of the International Erosion Control Association was created to unite individuals interested in issues of Erosion Control, Sediment Control, and Stormwater Management. Our Chapter represents and serves individual, corporate, and government members from Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri. GRIECA is a non-profit organization of professionals who realize the benefit of "exchanging" information with others to preserve and improve the quality of our environment.
Whether you're a Contractor, Engineer, Manufacturer, State/Federal or Government Employee, etc., GRIECA will provide you the perfect format for sharing knowledge and information that focuses on economical, effective, and sustainable methods for preventing the pollution of our natural water resources.
- Local and regional best practices, policies, products and service providers related
to erosion control, sediment control, and stormwater management
- Current research, and data on technological advances in the fields of erosion,
sediment control and post-construction stormwater management
- Municipal stormwater program management strategies for implementation
- Peer-to-Peer Education, Training and Networking Opportunities
We invite you to participate, network, and share on Erosion, Sediment Control and Stormwater Management Issues facing the Great Rivers Region. You can also contact chapter leadership at greatrivers@ieca.org for more information.
To become a Great Rivers Chapter Member of IECA, please contact IECA
Headquarters at either www.ieca.org or 1-800-455-4322.